
Cell Line Alias 01314
Cell Type Human iPS
Disease None reported
Diagnosis Information No heart ultrasound available for left ventricular hypertrophy diagnosis at the age of 66 years.
Sex Female
Age at Collection 83 Years
Ethnicity Caucasian
Ethnicity Information Self-reported
Genetically Related Cell Lines  
Reprogramming Method Non-Integrating (Episomal Plasmid: Oct4, Klf4, Sox2, L-Myc, Nanog, Lin28, SV40LT)
Tissue Origin Blood
Provider Medical College of Wisconsin - Dr. Ulrich Broeckel
dbGaP Data  
hPSCReg ID  
NIH Approval  
Pub Med Abstract  
Collection(s) NHLBI Next Gen - Left ventricular hypertrophy (Dr. Ulrich Broeckel, Medical College of Wisconsin)
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Current Lot Information

Lot Number Culture Platform Lot Description Passage Number Banked By Protocol Product Information & Testing
WB66541 mTeSR1/Matrigel   14 WiCell WiCell Feeder Independent Pluripotent Stem Cell Protocol PDF